Cosmetic Dentistry in Randolph, NJ

ICON tooth restoration is a minimally invasive dental treatment used to repair and improve the appearance of damaged or discolored teeth. It involves the application of a resin material directly to the surface of the affected tooth, which is then cured and polished. The resin material is designed to penetrate into and seal small cracks, gaps, and porous areas in the enamel, creating a smooth and seamless surface. The treatment can help to strengthen and protect the tooth, improve its appearance, and prevent further decay. The ICON restoration may be a good alternative to traditional dental procedures, such as veneers or bonding if the present damage is minimal as it is less invasive and requires less removal of the natural tooth structure.


Veneer is a thin layer of material, typically porcelain or resin composite, which is placed over the front surface of a tooth to improve its appearance. Veneers are used to correct cosmetic dental issues such as gaps between teeth, discoloration, chips, and misshapen teeth. The veneer is bonded to the front of the tooth using dental cement, creating a seamless and natural-looking restoration. Veneers are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of the surrounding teeth, and can provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for improving the appearance of the smile.

Tooth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that aims to lighten the color of teeth by removing or reducing stains and discoloration. It can be performed in a dental office or at home. Common methods include in-office whitening with a hydrogen peroxide gel with or without light and at-home trays or strips with a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The effects of tooth whitening are usually temporary and can vary depending on individual factors such as diet, age, and oral hygiene.
The level of sensitivity caused by in-office teeth whitening can vary depending on many factors, including the type of product used, the length of the treatment, and the individual’s dental anatomy. Some in-office whitening brands are formulated to minimize sensitivity, such as those containing potassium nitrate or desensitizing agents. It is recommended to consult a dentist for a professional evaluation and recommendations based on your specific situation.